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5632 177B St

Surrey, BC V3S 4J1

Mon– Fri: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed

Dentures over Implants

Dentures over Implants

*Procedure to be done in conjunction with an oral surgeon, dental specialist or dentist*

Dental implants may be an ideal solution for you to consider if you’ve experienced problems securing your dentures in place or have concerns about your dentures moving and slipping. A lack of bone (ridge) height to secure dentures is a common problem as we age. Moreover, if you have given up eating many foods you enjoy, you can consider dentures over implants. 

An implant serves as a permanent anchor for the denture. It is like root replacements implanted into your jaw to provide a stable and reliable anchor on which a denture is fabricated. The bone and the implant body are integrated into one cohesive member. A dental specialist or dentist places the dental implants, and we coordinate the procedure with them. Dentures over implants use two to six of these fixtures to secure an entire upper or lower denture into place.

Implant-retained dentures are removable by the wearer. It allows for improved hygiene and ease in cleaning both the dentures and dental implants. 


Benefits for dentures over implants are:

  • Improved confidence

  • Stability during eating

  • Increased preservation of bone

  • Decreased gum tissue shrinkage

  • Less food seepage under the denture

  • Superior aesthetics

  • Confidence in accomplishing social interactions

  • A feeling that resonates with your natural teeth

While dentures over implants require the same routine checkups, occasional adjustment, and replacement after about five years, they are otherwise the closest thing in look and feel to natural teeth.

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Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

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